Sammy (full name Samson) came to us the day before Memorial Day in 2004. We were stationed at RAF Lakenheath, UK, and we saw him running around playing with some children. We asked them who he belonged to, and they said they didn’t know. We took him home and contacted the UK Pet Rescue service to get him back to his family. However, after a few weeks, no one claimed him. He had a broken back leg that had healed imperfectly (which later led to arthritis) and a case of mange, which left his back and hindquarters almost bare. This look reminded us of a lion and the loss of his hair reminded us of the Samson and Delilah story. So, when we decided to keep him for our own and give him a forever home, he became our Sammy, and soon became my Little Buddy–my best friend in the whole world. He was about 2 years old at the time we found him, so we considered his birthday to be that day each year. He was with us for 16 years, and was one of the brightest rays of sunshine in our lives. No matter how much we had to deal with at work, we always felt better when we got home to Sammy. He was such a little guy, but he had a huge heart, and was beloved by everyone he met. He came with us from England to my next (and last) base in Nebraska, and once I retired, he came with us to Colorado Springs. Although he was with us for a long time (for a pet) it seems so short, and over far, far too soon. Sammy, Mami and Tati miss you so much, and we feel such sadness each morning when we can’t pick you up in our arms, kiss your little head, and take you out in the backyard to do your business. We know it was time, and we know you have no more pain and suffering, even though we do for losing you. We love you, and we will miss you forever until we are together again. |