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Quality of Life questionnaire

The quality of life scale has been formulated based on our personal experiences with thousands of pets and their owners. It is an easy and accessible way to better assess how your pet is doing right now, using your own impressions and information you can gather at home.

This free assessment can help make this difficult time a little easier by giving you more objective criteria on which to base your pet’s current state of health.

  • Unique scale takes into account 10 different facets of your pet’s current condition.
  • Easy to complete, only takes 5 minutes
  • Score can be tracked from week to week so an objective assessment of your pet’s health can be made

We understand how difficult this time can be, and how important it is to feel comfortable and confident in the decision you make. At Transitions we strive to make this time as peaceful and stress-free as possible for you and all your family members.

We are here to answer any questions you may have, and to accommodate your needs as best we are able. We hope this quality of life scale will provide you with peace of mind as you move through this process.


My pet now...*


My pet now...*

Weight loss:

My pet now...*


My pet’s coat now...*

Toileting for cats:

My pet now...*

Toileting for dogs:

My pet now...*

Mobility for cats:

My pet now...*

Mobility for dogs:

My pet now...*

Activity level for cats:

My pet now...*

Comfort level:

My pet now...*


My pets sleep habits...*

Quality of life:

My pet now...*